My friend
Lynn tagged me and I'm supposed to come up with 7 facts about myself. I asked my kids to pick one fact each and this is what I got -
1- My daughter Kalea said, I love to play the game "Animal Crossing" on Gamecube. It's true - I used to be fully addicted until little Josh deleted my whole game. Arrrgh! I loved how you could build your house, and pay off your mortgage, and clean up the town. Weird, I know. Perhaps it's because I could never pay off my mortgage in real life!
2- My youngest, Josh, said "You buy us Ramen noodles" Hmmmm, I don't know if that counts as an INTERESTING fact, but it is a fact nonetheless.
3-My oldest, Tim said "You're a really good scrapbooker". Hey, I'll take that cuz I thought he would say "My mom's a dork" since he's 13 and super sassy.
4- I absolutely LOVE to eat at Panera. My favorite is a cup of soup (any flavor) and a half of a Chicken Ceasar sandwich. YUM!
5- I am a fanatic about grammar. Typos drive me bonkers. The funny thing is, my friend Bonnie noticed on the last Christmas kit I did, that I misspelled Santa Claus. I made 12 kits that said Santa Clause (with an e) - It's been driving me crazy ever since but there's only 1 kit left to sell. *sigh*
6- In the summer, I do not wear shorts. Every day you will see me in a white tank top, capris, and flip flops. (I probably own 20 white tank tops from Old Navy - they are the best!)
7- I drive a big Ram truck that is bad to the bone. I like it because it's boyish - I have always loved and owned manly type autos but deep down I'm a real girly girl.
There you have it. I'm supposed to tag 7 others, but I don't know anyone on these blogs yet and the 3 people I know have already been tagged so boo hoo for me.
Thanks for reading!