Sunday, October 19, 2008

Meeeee-owwwwww Baby!

How rude of me to just pop in whenever I feel like it! And how dare I pop in without sharing something scrapbook related huh? Yeah, well, too bad. It's my blog and I've been creating SO MANY layouts at work lately that I'm just plain pooped. I did manage to finish a Christmas and Halloween layout the other day, but I'm waaaayyyy lazy and don't wanna go to the car to get my camera to snap a picture. Maybe tomorrow (which in Jeni blog land means in 2 weeks). So for those of you who check in to read my blog ("those of you" SNORT! There's really only 4 of you) you're gonna have to sit tight. In the meantime (is that one word or two?) here's photos of me and my way cute sister in law, me and my hubby (don't you love his costume? He went as a party pooper) and then a pic of the kiddos last weekend before we took the fam to Hallowe'en in Greenfield Village. We had a blast and decided to don matching cat costumes. What a hoot! We were cracking each other up all night. When we got to the pirate exhibit, everyone was cracking pirate jokes and I yelled out to the fam (there were 15 of us) "Hey! The Baaargggh's are here!" Get it? My last name is Barg and a pirate says Arrgh! So funny. Sometimes I crack myself up. Well, enjoy. I hope you all have a fantastic week.

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1 comment:

Lynn Put said...

LOL, these are cute pictures of the family (love the joke about your DH and your band of pirates).
Looks like you guys had fun!

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About Me

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I am totally committed to enjoying this life I've been blessed with. I'm a Mom of 3 amazing kids, and I've been married 12 years to the love of my life. Scrapbooking is how I express myself and how I fulfill that artistic calling that won't leave me alone at all hours of the day. I am a designer for a Michigan scrapbook store called Little Scrapbox and I love what I do!! I'm so lucky! Thanks for visiting my blog! Nice to meet you!